
Training for Educators

Training Workshops

ISRC Quarterly Training Workshops

ISRC provides quarterly training workshops for teams of educators of students who are deaf, hard of hearing, or visually impaired.

When you enter your PD into ELIS, search for NW Suburban Spec Edu Org.

2024-2025 Schedule

September 16 - Supporting Students with Anxiety and Oppositional Behaviors - Jessica Minahan
November 4 - Executive Functioning - Maggie Schwalbach
February 4 - Restorative practices - Meagan Novara
April 28 - Writing Data-Driven IEPs: Ensuring IEP Compliance through Data Collection - Kaitlyn Millen

2023-2024 Schedule

September 19 - Structured Teaching - Caroline McCarthy 

November 13 - Trauma Informed Practices - Elizabeth Seeliger and Dr. Jess Dallman 

February 6 - Restorative Practices - Algenoy Alexander 

April 22-23 - CHAMPS

2022-2023 Schedule

September 20 - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

Extended Learning Option

November 14 - Active Learning

Extended Learning Option

February 7 - Independent Work Systems

Extended Learning Option

April 17 - Self-Advocacy

Online eLearning

Online eLearning Academy

FREE Professional Development hours are available through the ISRC eLearning Academy.


Training for Paraprofessionals - The Five P's of Paraprofessionals


Positive Communication


Positive Behavior Strategies

Promoting Active Engagement

Training for Parents

PU logo

Parent University

The Illinois Service Resource Center Parent University is a resource for parents and guardians to further develop ideas and support for raising children who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or have Visual Impairments. ISRC has collected presentations on topics pertinent to parents and guardians and have made them available on the Parent Page of the ISRC website.

Parent Cafe

Parent Café Events

ISRC sponsors Parent Cafe Events such as Family Literacy Nights or Game Nights.

For information on the next Parent Cafe event in your area, contact