Evaluation & Coaching
A thorough assessment of student academic, behavioral, and social needs is critical to designing an effective individualized program. Some students present unique needs that necessitate specialized evaluation. The Evaluation and Coaching Team support districts in providing a comprehensive assessment of individual student’s strengths and needs and how their English language learning, behavior, and disabilities impact individual performance in school.
Diagnostic & Educational
Service Center (DESC)
NSSEO Administration Office
799 W Kensington Road
Mount Prospect, IL 60056-1111
T | 847-463-8112
F | 847-463-8289
Professional Learning Coordinator:
Molly Dunne
847-463-8147 mdunne@nsseo.org
Administrative Assistant:
Katie Krafton
847-463-8133 kkrafton@nsseo.org
The Evaluation and Coaching Team utilizes their knowledge of assessment, curriculum, data analysis, language development, and second language acquisition to enhance academic success. In order to support an increasingly diverse population of students, the Evaluation and Coaching Team provides expertise, consultation, and coaching to member districts and NSSEO schools to support students and staff.
Our evaluation and coaching team consists of highly qualified and experienced School Psychologists, including a School Psychologist and a Speech/Language Pathologist that are experienced in assessment of non-native English speaking students. The evaluation and coaching team are members of the Illinois RtI Network and continue to expand and apply their knowledge in the field by attending and presenting at local and state conferences.
- Training and coaching available to teams in the areas of English Language Learners, behavioral analysis/supports, response to intervention, curriculum based measurement, and IEP goal development
- Consultation services/problem solving team participation
- Data collection and analysis support, instructional interventions, and monitoring fidelity of interventions
- External coaching for PBIS implementation and supports
- Specialized comprehensive evaluations including: bilingual evaluations of culturally and linguistically diverse students, low incidence and diagnostically complex cases, and students in psychiatric hospital settings (PHIT).
- Professional development