Professional Learning & Coaching
Effective professional learning strives to improve educator practice thereby increasing student achievement.
Professional learning rooted in research and reflective of progressive educational practices enhances the effectiveness of educators. A professional learning logic model has been developed and is implemented through customized trainings, workshops, and coaching that address all stakeholder needs. This model stresses the importance of growth and changes in teaching strategies that promote positive, measurable student outcomes.
22-23 Professional Learning Guidelines
NSSEO has moved to a new professional learning platform called KickUp, which will provide you with a user-friendly way to register for professional development events throughout the year and to track your professional learning hours. We are phasing out Learning Stream, and as of June 1st all registration links will be through kick up.
You can simply click on the district link below to begin creating your account. Please note: you will need to use your district email address for your account creation and log-in. After the initial setup, you can always visit pulse.kickup.co to access your PD information.
Here is a quick guide to orient you to the basic actions you might take in KickUp, including information about how to contact KickUp’s technical support team if you run into any issues with utilizing the technology. And here is a 5-minute screencast to show you more specifically what this looks like.
If you need additional support please contact:
Katie Krafton
847 463 8133
For More Information Contact:
Katherine Krafton
Professional Learning Administrative Assistant
847-463-8133 kkrafton@nsseo.org
Molly Dunne
Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning
847-463-8116 mdunne@nsseo.org