The Illinois Service Resource Center provides behavior support for students who are deaf, hard of hearing, or visually impaired in Illinois.
ISRC team members work with educators and families onsite to develop individualized behavior support plans.
Behavior support can be for individual students with challenges, or at the preventive level with classrooms or school programs. ISRC serves students with hearing loss regardless of communication mode. ISRC provides behavior support for parents who are themselves deaf or hard of hearing, regardless of the hearing status of the child.
Refer a student for ISRC support.
ISRC Services and Resources Flyer (English)
Folleto de Servicios y Recursos de ISRC (ISRC Services and Resources Flyer (Spanish))
الخدمات ISRC والموارد (ISRC Services and Resources Flyer (Arabic))
Learn more about ISRC services and resources Part 1
Learn more about ISRC services and resources Part 2