Supportive Seating and Positioning
AT for Seating, Positioning and Mobility
Students transition through various positions throughout their day. For students that require physical assistance for transitions or have impaired balance or postural endurance, Seating and Positioning options should be considered.
Scallop Seat (R82)
Compass Chair (Rifton)
Activity Chair (Rifton)
Special Tomato for floor sitting
Gait Trainer (Rifton)
Gait Trainer (R82)
Supine Stander (Rifton)
Sit to Stand Stander (EasyStand)
Dynamic Stander (Rifton)
Adaptive Tricycle (Rifton)
Custom Fitted Wheelchair
Toilet Seat (Rifton)
Mounting Speech Generating Devices and Tablets to Wheelchairs
Students who use AAC may require mounting a device to their wheelchair or seating options. This resource from Michelle L. Lange, OTR/L, ABDA, ATP/SMS includes location suggestions of where to mount, types of mounts, and some troubleshooting tips.