AAC Systems

WordPower™ is a word-based AAC vocabulary designed to facilitate quick and easy language generation. It includes high-frequency core words organized in logical categories. Grammatical word classes have been included such as nouns and adjectives. As a sentence is being built, you often find that the next word you want to say can be spoken with one or two button presses. WP was developed by Nancy L. Inman, M.A.T., CCC-SLP specifically for the Chat devices. Nancy is widely known in the field of AAC for her work in developing, implementing, and teaching word-based vocabulary programs (note that word prediction is NOT available on the Standard Model).
Being a word-based vocabulary, WordPower can be used by a wide age group. Nouns, adjectives, and verbs can be added and customized to meet the particular needs of the individual. Learn more about WordPower.
WordPower is provided in a 20, 25 Touch & Scan, 42 basic, 42, 48, 60 Basic, 60, 80, 108 with Keyboard, 108 button page layout, and 140 Scan & Touch. It is also available in Spanish and French options.
Learn more about TouchChat Vocabulary @ WordPower
Storybooks and Planning Resources @ Chatcorner
Saltillo YouTube Channel @ Saltillo Brand
A Tour of the Device
WordPower Manual
Practice for WP 60 Basic
Practice for WP 42 Basic
Practice for WP 25 Touch & Scan
Practice WP 20 Simply
Practice WP 80

Download Chat Editor - for PC only
Sentence Builder Wheel

TD Snap is a voice output vocabulary that is customizable, flexible, and allows for multip access. TD Snap offers a suite of eye gaze, touch, and switch-enabled page sets to meet different communication needs and preferences.
Core First - A symbol-supported page set enabling a path to communication and literacy at any stage of language development.
Text - a page set for those who are literate or transitioning from symbol supports to literacy.
Scanning - a page set designed specifically for those who are using scanning as their primary access method.
PODD - a page set based on the Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display vocabulary strategy, developed by Gayle Porter.
Gateway - a page set based on the Gateway vocabulary strategy, developed by Joan Bruno.
A tour of the device
The Story of Core
TD Snap User Manual
Scanning Implementation Guide
Training Cards

Pathways for Core First
A free companion app for TD Snap, packed with expert advice for parents, caregivers, and communication partners assisting children to grow literacy skills.

Proloquo2Go is a communication iOS app providing many natural-sounding text-to-speech voices, three complete research-based vocabularies, over 10,000 up-to-date symbols, powerful automatic conjugations, advanced word prediction, multi-user support, ease of use, and the ability to fully customize vocabularies to meet the needs of individual users from beginning symbolic communication to full literacy.
The Basic, Intermediate Core or Advanced Core vocabularies help to quickly create an efficient communication system. The Core Word vocabularies allow for efficient access to the most frequently used words in English, along with a rich array of fringe vocabulary to allow for precise expression and vocabulary growth. Basic Communication is designed for new communicators at the one and two-word level to promote developmental progression in communication skills.
Learn more about P2Go @assistiveware.com
Learn more about P2Go Vocabulary @Crescendo
Lesson ideas and planning resources @Core Word Classroom
P2Go User Supports (interactive)
A Tour of the Device
The AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom - AssistiveWare
Sign up for Core Word Classroom here! An INCREDIBLE Resource!
Add Option of Switching from English to Spanish Vocabulary
How to Change Language from English to Spanish in a Vocabulary

LAMP Words for Life is designed to meet the communication needs of children with autism and other complex communication needs. It combines the Unity® language system and Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP™), a proven-therapeutic approach that uses consistent motor plans for accessing vocabulary.
The app is appropriate for beginning communicators who are just learning that they can affect those around them to skilled communicators with advanced language skills. It features structured language and includes three vocabulary files and features within the app to support language development from the current skill level throughout their life.
Learn more about the app @ https://lampwflapp.com/
Learn more about the LAMP therapeutic approach @ LAMP Principles
Module Reviewing LAMP WFL Vocabulary @PRC Module
LAMP WFL Getting Started Webinar @Launch Course
Lesson ideas and resources @AAC Language Lab
Tutorial videos for using the app @https://lampwflapp.com/education/videos
A Tour of the Device
LAMP WFL Vocab Quick Reference Guide

Backing up Vocab File using Airdrop
AAC Literacy Planner
Teaching Core Words Across the Day- Common Activities
Teaching Core Words Throughout the Day-The First 50 Words
Top 50 Core Words
Vocabulary Map with Rationales
Core Icon Associations
LAMP Vocabulary Workbook

A customizable AAC app and upgrade from GoTalk NOW
Product Features:
GoTalk NOW Plus - everything in the GoTalk Now, plus the Symbolstix image library, the Ready-Set-Communicate book, and Acapela text-to-speech English voices.
Provides flexibility for importing sounds and images
Stores an unlimited number of messages
Includes SymbolStix Library, Ready-Set-Communicate Book, and high-quality Acapela® text-to-speech voices
A Tour of the Device

Manual Communication Boards/Books
The term manual communication board (MCB) refers to a ‘no-tech’ AAC support that students can use to express themselves. Typically printed on paper and laminated, most MCBs have grids of words organized by part of speech (e.g., verbs in one area, adjectives in another). We typically use the main pages of TouchChat WordPower or Proloquo2Go and will sometimes add fringe vocabulary to a flip section at the top of the core page. Manual communication boards are terrific for modeling and backing up high-tech devices. For some students, this is an entry point into a more high-tech system. Core boards can have certain words masked or hidden and as the student makes progress, words are unmasked.
- There is a finite number of symbols/messages accessible on a core board. What are plans for progression?
- Will this device be the only AAC support or part of a comprehensive system?
- What is the purpose of the selected vocabulary?
Learn More About Core Language and Core Boards:
Proloquo2Go: Paper Core Boards
TouchChat WordPower Light-tech Communication Board Options

Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display (PODD)
PODD stands for:
- Pragmatic – the ways that we use language socially and with purpose
- Organization – words and symbols arranged in a systematic way
- Dynamic Display – changing pages for a wide vocabulary and range of statements
PODD is a way of organizing whole-word and symbol vocabulary in a communication book or speech generating device to support expression and understanding of language for people with complex communication needs.
The aim of a PODD is to provide vocabulary for use in multiple environments, with a range of messages, across a range of topics. It is designed to be a tool in someone’s ‘toolbox of communication methods’ that is useful all the time. Selection of words and symbols in the PODD can be made by pointing, looking or other combinations of methods.
- Aided language development is supported through the provision of multiple page sets (communication books). The range of page sets reflects a developmental process as reported in the literature on both typical and aided language development. Page sets are selected to enable the use of aided language stimulation that leads the child’s development.
- There are many different types of PODDs, so the one to use will depend on the communication needs of the individual. Everyone has different communication preferences and abilities. This is why PODDs can have different formats, depending on the individual physical, sensory and communication needs of the user.
- The routine placement and availability of vocabulary assist to develop automaticity, language learning and initiation.
Information on PODD
Example of how to use PODD

Single Message Devices
Record any single message up to two minutes in length directly into the BIGmack or similar one message communicator and press its activation surface for playback. Connect a toy or appliance for additional motivation. With its large, 5-in/12.7-cm activation surface, the BIGmack is an excellent choice for persons with visual impairments and persons with physical disabilities who require a larger target area.
Ideas for Use:
- 101 ideas for using single message devices
- Resources for using single message devices
- Low Tech AAC Ideas
- Big Mac Presentation
- Keep Talking Printout
- Making the Most of Single Message Voice Output Messages
- How can this language system be built on?
- How will this contribute to the student’s AAC system?
- What options are there to customize and individualize this AAC devices for the learner?

Step By Step Communicators
Step By Step Communicators: Record any series of messages into the LITTLE Step-by-Step communicator. Press its activation surface once to hear the first message. Press it again to hear the next message in the sequence, and so on. Two minutes of recording time allow you to record as many messages as you need. LITTLE Step-by-Step features an angled base and 2.5-in/6.4-cm activation surface.
Ideas for Use:
- 101 Ways to Use a Sequential Message AAC Device to Access the Curriculum
- Telling jokes
- Activities for the Classroom
- What is the purpose of the sequenced device? (i.e language conventions, vocabulary, story structure, participation, pragmatics, feelings of competence, etc?)
- What is the strategy/plan to successfully support?
- Sequenced messages often rely on the communicators' awareness of context, timing, and communication partner readiness. How can communication partners accommodate and help develop these skills?
- Will this device be the only AAC support or part of a comprehensive system?

Multiple Message Communicators
Multiple Message Devices: GoTalks are battery powered augmentative/alternative communication (AAC) devices. Another person (a classmate, sibling or friend, for example) records messages the user will likely need. The number after the GoTalk indicates how many cells or messages are available for access. Watch Video to Learn More
Ideas for Use:
- There are a finite number of symbols or messages accessible on static devices. What are plans for progression?
- Will this device be the only AAC support or part of a comprehensive system?
- What is the purpose of the selected vocabulary? Core? Fringe? Activity based participation? Pragmatics?
- What is the strategy/plan to successfully support?