NSSEO Heartbeat of the Week - Michael Lespinasse

NSSEO Heartbeat of the Week - Michael Lespinasse

"Michael has been a WONDERFUL addition to Miner school, jumping in immediately and being so kind to the staff and students. His calm demeanor while juggling first-week issues has been incredibly motivating for everyone around him! Thank you for everything! Michael has been a great asset to Miner in the first couple of weeks of school! He has been extremely helpful making sure the equipment is ready and in working order. Michael completes help requests in a timely manner and with a positive attitude! Michael recently joined the Miner team and immediately dove in head first. He has streamlined processes and added much organization to our tech. He is a team player who jumps in to help staff with all of their tech needs. His warm, positive personality has made him an instant member of the Miner family."